Celebrate Your Irish Heritage

Hi, we're Mike and Carina. We travel Ireland and the Irish ancestral trails of the world, connect with people of Irish descent and share the resulting stories, photos, videos and podcasts with you.

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Slider - Irish Placenames - Is Your Surname Hidden in One of These Places? (#106)

Irish Placenames – Is Your Surname Hidden in One of These Places? (#106)

Welcome to Series 1, Episode 6 of the Letter from Ireland Show. In this episode, we look at Irish placenames and townlands.

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames That Say Where You Came From

I received the following last week from one of our readers, Nancy Ireland: The surname is Ireland.   It is so hard to research the name Ireland !   My husband has always wanted to know who was the first in his family to come to the United States from Ireland.  I have located his…

Blog Ring Slider - A Story of Irish Quakers, the Famine and Pennsylvania

A Story of Irish Quakers, the Famine and Pennsylvania

I looked up the letters from this time last year (to see if the sun actually shone anytime in the past), and I came across a letter titled: – Religion in Ireland, A Methodical Approach – it got me thinking about religion in Ireland. One of our readers, Noni Morrison, was on sharing the story…

Looking out on the houses, hills and coastline of the beara peninsula in Ireland on the wild atlantic way.

A Remarkable Story at the Back of an Irish Pub.

In times gone by, the first weekend in August was the start of the “builder’s holiday”. Our own family used to all pile into the car on the Friday night and head off to the wilds of Ballydehob in West Cork for a fortnight of laying about and not doing much at all. We really…

slider image - Pete MacCarthy - Always Visit a Pub with Your Name over the Door (#104)

Pete MacCarthy – Always Visit a Pub with Your Name over the Door (#104)

Welcome to Season 1, Episode 4 of the Letter from Ireland Show. In this episode, Carina and Mike Collins follow the journey of a man who “always went into an Irish Pub” with his name over the door. We then go to the back of one of these pubs – and find a remarkable story.